I'm starting work on a new SaaS!
I want to document my process because I used to love devlogs on tumblr and tigsource.
I am creating an API-as-a-Service that monitors suspicious login attempts.
At the moment there is a couple of solutions in this space. But they fall down in a few areas
- Bad pricing
- Bad marketing
- Rigid integration path. In the case of the main competitor, they make it so they have to send the emails out, rather than send them out yourself. It also doesn't have the concept of teams so not setup for enterprise.
My MVP will be:
- A single API endpoint to check if a login is suspicious or not
- Check against known VPN's, TOR nodes, time of day and other factors.
- Allow customers to control the factors that affect whether a login is considered suspicious or not.
Here is my bullet pointed notes as I did this first stage of development!
You can checkout the in-progress site here: https://loginllama.app
started with the subscription starter pack from vercel
Had to upgrade from 12->13
Main fix was done by the codemod dependency. Mainly had to update Link components to not include a elements
Then had to manually migrate the database
And get the types form the repo
But then all setup!
Added the first edge function.
Decided I’m going to for an mvp of
Basic admin interface to control the sensitivity
Api to check if the login is suspicious and return the reason why
Good looking doc pages
Allow customers to get the data in a computer readable way so they can send their own emails.
Homepage listing features
Pay as you go pricing model
- $1 per seat
- $0.00015 per request
Teams but off only one person
Added basic /api/v1/login/check endpoint
Added basic accounts screen with API Key